Urodzony i wychowany w Brazylii, a od ponad 30 lat zamieszkały w USA perkusista i kompozytor Vanderlei Pereira zawodowo gra na perkusji od 15 roku życia. Absolwent Academia de Música Lorenzo Fernandes w Rio de Janeiro i Mannes College of Music, do 30-roku życia był muzykiem prestiżowej Orquestra Sinfônica Brasileira.
Niestety na skutek wrodzonego barwnikowego zwyrodnienia siatkówki perkusista stracił wzrok, co uniemożliwiło mu czytanie nut, a tym samym granie w orkiestrze. Od tej pory swe muzyczne działania skierował w stronę jazzu i samby stając się jednym z najbardziej pożądanych muzyków za Oceanem. Występował i nagrywał z wieloma muzycznymi mistrzami, w tym z Tootsem Thielemansem, Airto Moreirą i Florą Purim, Tito Puente, Claudio Roditim, Emílio Santiago, Hendrikiem Meurkensem, czy Georgem Colliganem.
22 maja nakładem cenionej wytwórni Jazzheads ukazał się album prowadzonej przez Pereirę formacji Blindfold Test zatytułowany "Vision for Rhythm".
Na nasyconej gorącymi rytmami płycie poza autorskimi utworami perkusisty i band leadera, znajdziemy też kompozycje m.in. Airto Moreiry i Antonio Adolfo.
Robert Ratajczak
LINK: recenzja płyty

Vanderlei Pereira and Blindfold Test: Vision for Rhythm
CD 2020, Jazzheads JH1242
1. Misturada (Mixing)
2. Ponto de Partida (Point of Departure)
3. Chapéu Palheta (Straw Hat)
4. Mercado Modelo
5. O Que Ficou (What Remains)
6. The Cry and The Smile
7. Partido Leve
8. Corrupiao (Oriole)
9. Les Matins de Rixensart (The Mornings of Rixensart)
10. Alma Brasileira (Brazilian Soul)
11. De Volta a Festa (Back to the Party)
12. Vision for Rhythm
Jorge Continentino – saksofon, flety, pifano
Susan Pereira – głos, instr.perkusyjne
Deanna Witkowski – fortepian
Paul Meyers – gitara
Gustavo Amarante – gitara basowa
Vanderlei Pereira – perkusja
Rodrigo Ursaia – saksofon
Itaiguara Brandao – gitara basowa
materiały prasowe:
What the Press is Saying About
Vanderlei Pereira and Blindfold Test Vision for Rhythm
“The best version of Misturada so far! The melody with Susan and the flute is perfect and the band is killing”. —Airto Moreira
“A Brazilian drummer who left the classical realm after going blind in his 30s shows just how easily the skills transferred over to high spirited Brazilian jazz. A dazzling set that's right in the moment, he leads his crew through a sprightly, spirited set that's purely a party on a platter. It sounds like he sees things more clearly than most. Caliente!”—Chris Spector, Midwest Record
“Masterful rhythmic jazz . . . one of the freshest releases I’ve listened to . . . the recording is just flawless . . . I give Vanderlei and his musical companions a MOST HIGHLY RECOMMENDED rating, with an “EQ” (energy quotient) score of 4.99 for this splendid release". —Dick Metcalf, editor, Contemporary Fusion Reviews
A greatly in-demand Brazilian drummer who has been in the U.S. for over 30 years, Vanderlei Pereira’s mastery of rhythms, superb technique, and versatility have uplifted a countless number of sessions. "Vision for Rhythm" is the recording debut of his group, Blindfold Test, and it features fresh material, rich melodies, infectious rhythms, colorful solos, and a very attractive group sound. Most of the dozen selections utilize Susan Pereira’s voice as part of the ensemble. Her wordless vocals and strong scat-singing abilities, along with the beauty of her tone, help give Blindfold Test its own sound. Other major contributors are Jorge Continentino on tenor and flutes (Rodrigo Ursaia’s equally skilled tenor is on three tracks), pianist Deanna Witkowski, acoustic guitarist Paul Meyers, and Gustavo Amarante or Itaiguara Brandão on bass.
Performing tunes that include three Pereira originals: “Ponto de Partida” (“Point of Departure”), “O Que Ficou” (“What Remains”), and “De Volta à Festa” (“Back to the Party”); a song apiece by Airto Moreira, Edu Lobo, and Antonio Adolfo; and other rewarding material, "Vision for Rhythm" is filled with enthusiasm and spirited music. The individual solos contain creativity and passion while always being a logical outgrowth of the ensemble, and they are inspired by the exhilarating rhythms of Pereira. The exciting opener, Airto Moreira’s “Misturada”, gets the momentum flowing for the memorable program, which includes both energetic performances and mellower pieces (“O Que Ficou” and “Les Matins de Rixensart”) before concluding with the title cut, a melodic showcase for the leader’s drums.
Born and raised in Macaé, Brazil, Vanderlei Pereira began playing drums professionally when he was 15. He earned his degree from the Academia de Música Lorenzo Fernandes in Rio de Janeiro and performed with the prestigious Orquestra Sinfônica Brasileira. As a result of inherited retinitis pigmentosa, he became blind in his early thirties. While he could no longer work as a classical musician (since it requires reading), he did not let his loss of sight stop him, and he concentrated on his work as a top jazz and samba drummer. After moving to New York, Pereira became a greatly in-demand drummer on the Brazilian jazz scene and earned a degree in Jazz Studies from the Mannes College of Music. He has appeared and recorded with many musical greats, including Toots Thielemans, Airto Moreira and Flora Purim, Sivuca, Leila Pinheiro, Dom Salvador, Bebel Gilberto, Leny Andrade, Tito Puente, Arturo O’Farrill’s Afro-Latin Jazz Orchestra, Paul Winter, Claudio Roditi, Romero Lubambo, Emílio Santiago, Manfredo Fest, Hendrik Meurkens, Helio Alves, Weber Iago, George Colligan, and Susannah McCorkle, among many others.
Now, with the release of "Vision for Rhythm", Vanderlei Pereira will be thought of not as only as a masterful Brazilian jazz drummer and a very valuable sideman, but also as a significant bandleader with his own distinct musical concept.