Dave Stryker to dziś jeden z najbardziej fascynujących amerykańskich gitarzystów jazzowych, dysponujący rozpoznawalnym soundem i charakterystycznym sposobem frazowania.
W 2016 roku cieszyliśmy się płytą "Routes" nagraną w składzie The Stryker / Slagle Band prowadzonym przez muzyka wraz z jego wieloletnim współpracownikiem, saksofonistą Stevem Slagle. W tym samym roku ukazał się też album "Eight Track II" zrealizowany w kwartecie, a 28.płytą Dave'a Strykera w roli lidera była "Strykin' Ahead" (2017), nagrana także w formule kwartetu. Następny album gitarzysty "Eight Track III" (2019), pierwotnie zamknąć miał koncepcyjną płytową trylogię, rozpoczętą w 2013 roku, której zamysłem było przedstawienie klasycznych przebojów lat 70-tych w pełnych żaru energetyzujących jazzowych wersjach. Jednak Dave Stryker postanowił płytową serię uzupełnić suplementem w postaci zestawu utworów bożonarodzeniowych ("Eight Track Christmas", 2019).
5 czerwca tego roku światło dzienne ujrzała kolejna płyta kreatywnego gitarzysty.
Tym razem jest to przedsięwzięcie zrealizowane z udziałem znakomitego WDR Big Band pod dyrekcją, grającego również w trzech utworach na saksofonie legendarnego Boba Mintzera.
W programie albumu "Blue Soul", poza autorskimi kompozycjami Strykera znajdziemy też opracowania utworów z dorobku m.in. Marvina Gaye'a, Jimmy'ego Webba i Stanleya Turrentine'a.
Robert Ratajczak
Blue Soul
CD 2020, Strikezone 8820
1. Trouble Man
2. Aha
3. What’s Going On
4. Came To Believe
5. Blues Strut
6. When Doves Cry
7. Wichita Lineman
8. Shadowboxing
9. Stan’s Shuffle
Dave Stryker - gitara
Bob Mintzer - dyrygent, saksofon
Wim Both, Rob Bruynen, Andy Haderer, Ruud Breuls - trąbki
Ludwig Nuss, Raphael Klemm, Andy Hunter, Mattis Cederberg -puzony
Johan Horlen, Karolina Strassmayer, Olivier Peters, Paul Heller, Jens Neufang - saksofony
Billy Test - fortepian, organy
John Goldsby - bass
Hans Dekker - perkusja
Praise For
Dave Stryker with Bob Mintzer and the WDR Big Band
"Blue Soul"
"In March 2019, a group of superheroes assembled in Cologne, Germany. Their mission—to record a great album—might not be the stuff of comic-book plots, but in true, Avengers-like form, it was accomplished by accentuating each participant’s unique strengths. Guitarist Dave Stryker teamed up with Bob Mintzer and the WDR Big Band (for whom the tenor saxophonist serves as principal conductor) to record Blue Soul. …an album that showcases the turn-on-a-dime precision of the large ensemble, as well as the composing and arranging acumen of the two marquee leaders".Bobby Reed / Downbeat Editor's Picks June 2020
“Bold and brilliant masterpiece of big band jazz from these leading exponents of the music”.Frank Griffith / London Jazz News
"Really proud of this project that Dave, the WDR Big Band and I did last year. Swinging, feel-good music that is perfect for times like this, or any time actually!”Bob Mintzer
"Blue Soul is sanctified badass!” Gary Walker / WBGO
"This is the best album I’ve ever heard Dave release (and that’s saying something, ‘coz I’ve reviewed a LOT of his work); I give Dave, Bob and the WDR big band a MOST HIGHLY RECOMMENDED rating, with a (perfect) “EQ” (energy quotient) score of 5.00… which means that the release also gets a “PICK” from me for “most positive jazz album in 2020”. Dick Metcalf / Contemporary Fusion Reviews
"Effectively creative and engaging, this is what you want to be listening to just when you think you've heard it all. Right on the money throughout”. Chris Spector / Midwest Record
“Subtlety and fire appear in equal measure on this spirited outing”.Bill Kopp / Musoscribe
"Mintzer's idea, as it turns out, was far better than good; it was brilliant. All hands are resolute and standing firm, and Blue Soul is an appetizing entree that should command pride of place on any big-band enthusiast's menu”.Jack Bowers / All About Jazz
"This is marvelous and cohesive big band work, anchored by pleasant arrangements, solid musicianship and diverse repertoire”. Joe Ross, Roots Music Report
“Explosive, guitar-meets-big-band recording, the kind that we’ve rarely seen in recent years".Jim Hynes / Glide Magazine
"This is an exceptional album of beautifully arranged big band charts, enhanced by the soulful guitar solos of one of New York’s most in-demand producers and guitarists...Stryker brings his ability to brilliantly infuse blues and soul into any project he touches. Surrounded by the all-star WDR big band players and encouraged by Bob Mintzer’s lush arrangement skills, Stryker shines brighter than ever”.Dee Dee McNeil / Musicalmemoir's Blog
"Blue Soul" is a collaboration between guitarist Dave Stryker, saxophonist and arranger Bob Mintzer and the WDR Big Band. This is a unique project putting Stryker’s soulful guitar in front of a world-class big band led by MIntzer’s creative arrangements and playing.
After several appearances as a guest with Dave Stryker’s Organ Trio, saxophonist Bob Mintzer (who serves as the principal conductor for Cologne, Germany’s WDR Big Band) had the idea to arrange some of Dave’s music to feature him with the ensemble. Bob thought Stryker’s hip takes on ‘70s pop tunes from his "Eight Track" series as well as his originals would be a good fit for the dynamic big band. In March of 2019, Dave was invited to Germany for a week of rehearsing, recording and performing with the WDR Big Band, the result of which is "Blue Soul".
“Bob is one of the best musicians and people I know”, said Stryker. “I’ve been a fan of his playing since my early days in New York City, and to get the chance to have Bob arrange and play my music with the incredible WDR Big Band is a huge thrill and honor”.
Stryker, one of the top jazz guitarists on the scene, got his start with Jack McDuff and Stanley Turrentine and to date has 30 albums to his name including the recent #1 JazzWeek recording, "Eight Track III". Mintzer is one of the greats of the tenor saxophone with many of his own recordings as well as long associations with the late, great Jaco Pastorius, the Yellowjackets and many others.
Stryker and Mintzer assembled a varied program including Bob’s orchestrations of Dave’s versions of Marvin Gaye’s “Trouble Man” and “What’s Going On”, Prince’s “When Doves Cry” and Jimmy Webb’s “Wichita Lineman”. Bob also expanded Dave’s originals “Came to Believe”, “Shadowboxing” and “Blues Strut” as well as contributing his own “Aha”. Stanley Turrentine’s “Stan’s Shuffle” closes out this hard-hitting, guitar-meets-big-band recording - "Blue Soul".